Tours in Santa Marta and La Guajira

Explore the land of the ancient Tayrona and discover the magic of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Visit the heart of the world...

Sierra Nativo

Sierra Native is a travel agency, formed by members of the indigenous communities of the sierra nevada de santa marta, Committed to working with the tourism offering experiences for those people who are willing to know and learn a little bit more of the cultures, indigenous and peasant surrounding the sierra Nevada de Santa marta.

Culture and ancient tradition

You know the ancient culture of the communities of the sierra nevada de santa marta.

Exclusive destinations

From the rural towns in minca to the indigenous communities of the sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and la Guajira.

Native guides

Indigenous guides trained to provide the best accompaniment, and, in turn, teach the culture, stories, and messages in a function of the mother earth, for all visitors.

Conoce la hermosa flora de la sierra nevada en el tour a la comunidad kogui. Tours en santa marta y la guajira
Tours a las comunidades indígenas. Tours en santa marta y la guajira

Don't Miss the

Most popular destinations

Hermosa vista a de la ciudad perdida en la sierra nevada de santa marta un lugar lleno de cultura, historia y tradición ancestral.

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Tour comunidad kogui

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

The SIERRA NEVADA de Santa Marta

Town Arhuaco

Tour the Guajira

The guajira from Riohacha

Minca Full Day

Don't miss a thing!!

Follow us on all our social networks, referred to the lost city, or Bunkuany a place where people also settled the Tayrona, visit and live with the communities Kogui and Arhuco there's more. These are the places you can visit in the hand of the descendants of the Tayrona.

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Tours en santa marta y el caribe colombiano Guía indígena explicando las piedras donamas. Tours Sierra Nativo.

He walks out of the hand of the descendants of ancient Tayrona

Live this adventure with the natives of the Sierra Nevada de Santa MartaVisit the communities, know their cultures and traditions.

Conoce la cultura Wayúu, danzas tradicionales, explora Punta Gallinas. Tours en Santa marta y la guajira Sierra Nativo.
Café 100% orgánico de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, en el tour a la comunidad Kogui. Tours en la sierra Nevada de santa marta y la guajira
Dibujos antiguos en piedras en la sierra nevada de santa marta. Tours en santa marta y la guajira.
Piedra donama de la sierra nevada de santa marta. Tours en santa marta y la guajira
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Sierra Nativo
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